Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I really did it! At 12 am on Monday night I finished typing my last chapter of my book. Now on to editing. Where to begin. Where to begin. Do you guys have any ideas?


Christine said...

Umm . . . you might try where it says "Chapter One." LOL I'm such a meanie. I'd start with a search of "was" and "were" and maybe "ing." If you have any words you use a LOT, search for those too, like "just" or "that" or "so." Other than that, read through it and make it all lovely and then . . . SEND IT TO ME! I miss you at Critters Ink.

Brent Wescott said...

I've some early thoughts, Gail. I've read a couple of chapters and I'll try go get to more soon. For now I would just go back to the beginning. Read carefully. You'll probably notice sections that need to be rewritten or added to or excised entirely, depending on how everything turns out later in the story. And the more carefully you read, the more you see language issues that you can change right away.
This is cool, Gail. This is the fun part. I think it's so fun that I've been rewriting my novel for ten years. :)
It Just Got Interesting

M.J. Fifield said...

Congratulations on finishing your book!

I personally subscribe to the school of thought where you set aside a finished manuscript for a set period of time and then go back to start editing. That way your take on the project is fresher and problem areas become more obvious.

Good luck with the edits!

Brent Wescott said...

What MJ says really is a great idea. That's why it's taken me ten years, see...

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on finishing your novel! Huzzah! :)

I did was M.J. suggested when I finished my novel, and I found it helpful; some of the ideas I'm now incorporating into the story wouldn't have come up if I'd jumped straight back in.

Good luck with your edits!

Unknown said...

Well, Gail, I'm glad someone's reading and writing. I'm looking forward to your book. Just a comment, if you're including something about my favorite city, El Paso, please do it some justice. There's always the south and north poles and there's as much that attrack to the positive as there is to attrack to the Juarez dust and poverty, the other end of the magnet; yet afterall, the Temple is there. Thanks. Tía Elizabeth