Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Inspiration for Creativity

I believe that everyone has something out their that is their creative muse. For it is pizza and dark chocolate.
When I can't have pizza I start to get depressed. And my creativity suffers. Now I know that this is a waist lines worst fear. But don't worry I work out to counteract my addiction to pizza. So I want to know what is your creative muse? What is that gets your creative juicese flowing?


Patti said...

Nature. Being in nature. Walking, with camera in hand, just pondering and enjoying what there is to see and hear without any other worries or concerns. I never come away from such an experience without some sort of inspiration!

Gail said...

That is awesome! Thank you for posting that.

Debbie Davis said...

my creative muse would a few things actually, I feel really creative when I dance, not partner dancing but lyrical and contempory dance, it makes my spirit sing. I just love it so much. I also feel creative when I get a great writing challenge, it just sparks something in me, and my fingers just itch to write something down.

kbrebes said...

I'm so glad your link is working again, Gail! I walk an imaginary track around my pool in the backyard when I get stuck in my head, and when something is just not working right. It usually sparks a new idea. Reading the scriptures and serving other people helps, too. And, mopping my kitchen floor always gets me deep in thought for some odd reason!